Temperature Converter

Free online temperature converter - converts between 6 units of temperature, including kelvin [K], Celsius [°C], Fahrenheit [°F], Rankine [°R], etc.

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Convert temperature from Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine or Réaumur to the corresponding temperature in any other scale.

This calculator uses formulas for each temperature conversion and shows the steps to convert one temperature to another in the answer.

Read further to find these conversion formulas provided as reference in Formulas for Converting Temperature Scales below.

Example Converting 50° Celsius to Fahrenheit

Use the formula °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 to convert C to F. Plug °C into the formula and solve for F.

  • °F = 50 * 9/5 + 32
  • °F = 90 + 32
  • °F = 122

50 degrees Celsius is equal to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.